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Daisy Breeze
Watercolor 16" X 20"Barbara Bainard BB 025$150.00
Early Sun Rise
Watercolor 11" x 14"Barbara Bainard BB 024$150.00
Pastel 10" x 13"Lynn Brown LB 333$125.00
Running Free-Gourd with Horse
GourdLinda Claeson$165.00LC 03
Arcylic 11" x 13"Ted DeMarceTD 023$75.00
Japanese Girl
Oil 24" x 18"Victor DeteringVD 100$400.00
South of Okanogan Hwy 97
OIl 18" x 24"Victor Detering VD 102$200.00
Dilley Sunrise above Dryden
"Hello Ladies" (Rooster)
Watercolor 21" x 14"Alice Ells ASE 54$350.00
Sky Garden with Goldfish & Iris
Oil on Canvas 36" x 36"Phyllis Emmert PE 144$4,500.00
Into Ancient Cypress
12" x 18"Patt Fischer PF 004$350.00
Dancing Flowers
Acrylic 36" x 36"Martha Flores MF 342$300.00
Head'n Home #1/35
Bronze 12" x 12" x 18"Larry Gay LG 004$3,500.00
I'm Your Huckleberry #1/17
Brooze, 14" x 38"Larry Gay LG 005$8,800.00
Fall at Blackbird Island
Acrylic 10" x 20"Michelle Henley MH 301$400.00
Blu Fly
Oil 8" x 10"Carole Hiatt CAH 071$150.00
"Lily White"
Watercolor 15-1/4" x 10-1/4"Nicki Isaacson$325.00
Orchard Rig
Oil 12" x 24"Dean Rainey DR 018$350.00
Refuge on Frost Road
Aspen Oil 24" x 36"Ginger Reddington GR 005$400.00
Maui Sunset
Photo on Canvas 16" x 20"Joanie Slack JS 004$225.00
The Dancer
Watercolor 7" x 23"Terry Johnson$200.00
Feathers & Lace
WatercolorMarilynn Weaver MW 022$100.00
Bird in Flight
Mixed Media 15.5" x 12.5"Margaret Wheeler MCW 076$125.00
Dancing Flower
Acrylic 16" x 20"Randy Adams RA 011$250.00
Desert Winter
Acrylic 16" 20"Randy Adams RA 010$350.00
Blue Flowers
Impressions in ConcreteChristina Arnall CA 066$120.00
Spring Rains
Oil on canvas 2" x 24"Jeannie Johnson425
View Across the Field
Oil on Canvas 16" x 20"Jerrold Kinney JK 151$480.00
Tropical Fantasy
Watercolor 13" x 10"Randy Knox RK 168$120.00
Road Trip
Watercolor 22" x 11"Suzi Lane SL 018$400.00
Spaghetti Squash
Watercolor & InkJohn Lane JL 008$180.00
Acrylic 20" x 16"Marti Lyttle$325.00
Carolyn Beckwith
Lake McDonald Stones in a Wave of Bubbles when a Rainbow Came Out
Oil on Canvas 20" x 20"Jan Cook Mack 091$800.00
La Pura 7
Oil on Canvas 12" x 12" x 1.5"John McCabe JJM 026$150.00
Man on Crutches
OilDan McConnell
Spa Day
Watercolor 20" x 15"Terri Meenach TM 021$175.00
Steel, 6" x 4" x 7"Jim O'Dell$40
All the Best Beading
Judith Oswood
Bird of Paradise
Photography-MetalBo Slack$285
Wood & Stone
11" x 13"Jan Teriault$200
Oh, My...
Watercolor Collage 22" x 15"Sheri Trepina
Bumble in the Garden
Watercolor 7.5" x 9.5"Ronnie Tuss$165
Moose Fly
Pen & Ink Print 8" x 10"David J. Tiles
Beautiful Bird
Watercolor 7.5" x 9.5"Evelyn Williams$150